Part of the new wave of manhwa (Korean manga) the 'Rebirth' series catalogues the story of a 17th century vampire named Deshwitat L. Rudbich, who has been released from 300 years of stasis by his enemy, the evil sorcerer Kalutika Maybus.Volume Eleven continues the story (from Volume 8) of how Deshwi...
Part of the new wave of manhwa (Korean manga) the 'Rebirth' series catalogues the story of a 17th century vampire named Deshwitat L. Rudbich, who has been released from 300 years of stasis by his enemy, the evil sorcerer Kalutika Maybus.Volume Ten continues the story (from Volume 8) of how Deshwitat...
Part of the new wave of manhwa (Korean manga) the 'Rebirth' series catalogues the story of a 17th century vampire named Deshwitat L. Rudbich, who has been released from 300 years of stasis by his enemy, the evil sorcerer Kalutika Maybus.Volume Six details Deshwitat's past as set down in an old (and ...
Part of the new wave of manhwa (Korean manga) the 'Rebirth' series catalogues the story of a 17th century vampire named Deshwitat L. Rudbich, who has been released from 300 years of stasis by his enemy, the evil sorcerer Kalutika Maybus.Volume Nine continues the story (from Volume 8) of how Deshwita...
Part of the new wave of manhwa (Korean manga) the 'Rebirth' series catalogues the story of a 17th century vampire named Deshwitat L. Rudbich, who has been released from 300 years of stasis by his enemy, the evil sorcerer Kalutika Maybus.Volume Eight continues telling the story of Deshwitat's past, t...
Part of the new wave of manhwa (Korean manga) the 'Rebirth' series catalogues the story of a 17th century vampire named Deshwitat L. Rudbich, who has been released from 300 years of stasis by his enemy, the evil sorcerer Kalutika Maybus.Volume Seven continues the story of Deshwitat's past, as found ...
Part of the new wave of manhwa (Korean manga) the 'Rebirth' series catalogues the story of a 17th century vampire named Deshwitat L. Rudbich, who has been released from 300 years of stasis by his enemy, the evil sorcerer Kalutika Maybus.Volume Five sees Deshwitat and his companions finally defeat th...
Part of the new wave of manhwa (Korean manga) the 'Rebirth' series catalogues the story of a 17th century vampire named Deshwitat L. Rudbich, who has been released from 300 years of stasis by his enemy, the evil sorcerer Kalutika Maybus.Volume Four sees Deshwitat ambushed and battling for his life w...
Part of the new wave of manhwa (Korean manga) the 'Rebirth' series catalogues the story of a 17th century vampire named Deshwitat L. Rudbich, who has been released from 300 years of stasis by his enemy, the evil sorcerer Kalutika Maybus.Volume Two sees Deshwitat travelling to Hong Kong with Remi and...
Part of the new wave of manhwa (Korean manga) the 'Rebirth' series catalogues the story of a 17th century vampire named Deshwitat L. Rudbich, who has been released from 300 years of stasis by his enemy, the evil sorcerer Kalutika Maybus.Volume One covers the battle between the formerly allies, Deshw...