Viet Thanh Nguyen serves as editor for a short but impactful collection of essays about refugees and the refugee experience. I read a lot about immigration. I'm not entirely unaware that many of these stories are actually about refugees, but it's interesting that people often morph themselves into "...
This is an interesting memoir by a Hmong-American writer, about the experiences of a community that is opaque to many Americans. The Hmong are an ethnic minority who moved from China to Laos centuries ago; the Chinese outlawing their written language is apparently the reason they lack one even today...
About the Hmong - Laos. Looks interesting. Maybe.
Calls or visits home often turn into strange, strangled conversations between me--booknerd, liberal, English prof, atheist, movie nut--and various family members--some Palindrones, a bedlam of evangelicals, quite a few People junkies, a couple of other teachers (primary special ed; secondary math an...
It's probably more like 4.5 stars, but it was really good. I was more interested in the Hmong struggle in Laos & Thailand, which she does cover but it's less than half the book. It was a great story of one family though, and it was a quick read because it was so interesting and--well I wouldn't say ...
I am parking this one until I can locate a hard copy of the book as the audio version is very difficult to listen to and just doesn't work for me and think I need a hard copy of this one to get the best out of the book.