I love historical fiction and non-fiction, but I just found this book rather boring . . . a little too much like really reading someone's daily diary would be.
Pace was a bit too slow. Perhaps I should not venture a long sea voyage... Otherwise, filled with great details -- reader will certainly come away with knowledge of what it was like to be on Captain Cook's Endeavor. Useful appendices: glossary, ship's company and ship's itinerary.
Stowaway is a YA book my wife picked up for my kids. This is a journal format book, in which the young (11) Nicholas Young stows away on the first of Captain Cook’s journeys of discovery. We are treated to a first hand experience of the sights seen, the dangers endured, the people met. The events ar...
Stowaway reminded me of author Karen Hesse's book, Out of the Dust, in a couple of ways. Both had young teen main characters with one parent who died and one parent who didn't handle si...