an honest in depth opinion piece. I enjoyed her candid voice and feel an honest portrayal. I may also have identified as I am not on the short side so her issues were often familiar. I liked the comments and philosophy she uses. An upbeat read
an honest in depth opinion piece. I enjoyed her candid voice and feel an honest portrayal. I may also have identified as I am not on the short side so her issues were often familiar. I liked the comments and philosophy she uses. An upbeat read
I've been to a lot of places, but I've never been to Portland, despite having lived in the Pacific Northwest for most of my life. I've been to Ashland once for the Shakespeare festival, but have to admit that I rarely even think of Portland. When I do think of Portland it is usually because I am rem...
"There is a bit of a bitch in every good cook" - Georgia O'Keefe"A marriage is a civilization, the couple at the ceter of it, king and queen. When it falls apart, the entire population suffers."I love the way this author writes. This isn't just a dry biography. The author artfully weaves in lesso...
I enjoyed this book, esp. learning more about how Chanel got into business, but it was also very sad to see a life with so little happiness. And I had expected the book to focus more on Chanel's fashions. Ah, well.Style is what works for you, what you prefer, what you know to look good on you, being...
It sounds corny, but this book helped me get through my first year of marriage with my sanity and our relationship intact.