Creating realistic, unforgettable characters one story at a time...Karen Wiesner is an accomplished author with 111 titles published in the past 17 years, which have been nominated/won 131 awards, and has 37 more releases contracted for spanning many genres and formats. Karen's books cover such...
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Creating realistic, unforgettable characters one story at a time...Karen Wiesner is an accomplished author with 111 titles published in the past 17 years, which have been nominated/won 131 awards, and has 37 more releases contracted for spanning many genres and formats. Karen's books cover such genres as women's fiction, romance, mystery/police procedural/cozy, suspense, paranormal, futuristic, gothic, inspirational, thriller, horror, chick-lit, and action/adventure. She also writes children's books, poetry, and writing reference titles such as her bestseller, First Draft in 30 Days and From First Draft to Finished Novel {A Writer's Guide to Cohesive Story Building} (out of print; reissue available now in paperback and electronic formats under the title Cohesive Story Building). Her third offering from Writer's Digest Books is Writing the Fiction Series: The Complete Guide for Novels and Novellas, available now. Her previous writing reference titles focused on non-subsidy, royalty-paying electronic publishing, author promotion, and setting up a promotional group like her own, the award-winning Jewels of the Quill, which she founded in 2003. For more information about Karen's fiction and series, consult her official companion guide The World of Author Karen Wiesner: A Compendium of Fiction. Visit her website at If you would like to receive Karen's free e-mail newsletter, Karen's Quill, and become eligible to win her monthly book giveaways, send a blank e-mail to Check out my author page at Facebook, where you can like me, friend me, follow me! I hope to see you there. I'll post upcoming news and events as they happen. Karen's blog at Goodreads for upcoming events and more info:
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