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Dex POV. I understand now.
5/5 starsI admit it. I love Dex. I love being in his head and I loved these scenes from his POV. It makes me wish I could read the whole series again from his POV. Karina Halle sure nows how to make a desirable hero and an enjoyable/likeable lead to join him.If you haven't read this series yet. Plea...
4,5 stars Oh my Dex. Your traumatic childhood. The magnetic attraction you felt towards Perry even before you knew her. Your general horniness around her. The love you feel for her. I'm melting here! If there is one thing I have learned from this, is that the way Dex fee...
I LOVED this book!!! And I mean I loved everything....being inside Dex's head was incredible! I didn't even know how much I wanted that until I got. I loved the way we got snippets from so many different pivotal moments throughout the series, seriously how freaking cool was that?! Everything we...
Seeing Dex's side of the story is perfect.His progressing feelings for Perry!His confusing over Maximus.Uh, this man. Love him.