Blaze is an anthology written by eight women known as the Minxes of Romance. All the stories center around the firefighters of the small town of Coombethwaite, England. I found this book on Netgalley and grabbed it up since I love a good firefighter story. And this book is jam packed full of good ...
Love, Actually meets Four Weddings and a Funeral. Sparks fly when wedding chapel owner Marla Jacobs finds out that a funeral parlor will be opening right near her place of business. Never mind that funeral director Gabriel Ryan is more gorgeous than any undertaker has a right to be. Who cares if t...
Think it's gotta be more like 4.5 stars.This is Kitty French (author of Knight and Stay) writing as Kat French.If you looking for a romance that has it's hot moments but not full on explicit, has comic moments and one liners, a great cast of characters, quite deep and sad moments too that will bring...
3.5 Stars"Funny, romantic, and dangerously sexy, UNDERTAKING LOVE is a delightful debut from an exciting new voice in Women’s fiction. " QUOTE frome NetgalleyUndertaking Love is in many ways your typical chick-lit. To be honest I expected it to be a rom-com... And it does have its funny moments. But...
This book is a perfect chick-lit.It has all of the right ingredients and they're mixed together in a special way which makes it stand out from the crowd.I was expecting light and fluffy, and instead I got a passionate and well paced story which made me laugh and chuckle and almost seethe with anger....
I tried to like this book. I don't know if it was because I had just finished an amazing book and this book was dead before I even started it or if it just didn't click with me. I found Marla so annoying from the very beginning and had trouble connecting with the story, the characters and the sett...