Katastrofa z 86 roku ostatnio staje się jednym z bardziej popularnych tematów. Po obejrzeniu serialu kolega polecił książkę, która uzupełnia aspekty nie poruszone w ekranizacji. Przedstawia czasy po tragedii, mówi o ludziach zamieszkujących tereny objęte skażeniem, którzy zostali pozostawieni sami s...
Natasha brought home Young Avengers, I brought home Lumberjanes, and after we finished, we swapped. Sunday afternoons in fall the Spouse watches football. We went to the library and stopped for Slush Puppies at the Quickie Mart, because even though we're into September the actual temps are still in ...
Because this is a comic series, the beginning of all of these reviews is going to begin the same with a short reaction to this edition in specific at the end. If you like mythology and beautiful art and celebrity things this is the comic for you. The Wicked + The Divine follows a group of gods fro...
Las historias de adolescentes no son fáciles, pues refiere a una época que no es fácil. Se debe lograr una conexión con esa época, devolver esa idea de inocencia, inteligencia, desconformismo, ansiedad, dudas y deseos, sin caer en clichés y sin alienar a aquellos que nos alejamos de esa etapa. Dar e...
Or at the very least, more messed up. Teddy and Billy - Hulkling and Wiccan - are split up, because hints have led Teddy to believe he may be in love with Billy because Billy's been using magic. Not intentionally, but as another character says, that doesn't help the existential horror Teddy's li...
Still so great! Want it in my library. Noh-Varr is adorable when he's earnest. Loki is in top form, being evil and pretending not to be to create complexity. Hulkling and Wiccan have a realistic (superhero-realistic) romance with an existential crisis and everything. I want to know more about Ms. Am...
Still so great! Want it in my library. Noh-Varr is adorable when he's earnest. Loki is in top form, being evil and pretending not to be to create complexity. Hulkling and Wiccan have a realistic (superhero-realistic) romance with an existential crisis and everything. I want to know more about Ms. Am...
Still so great! Want it in my library. Noh-Varr is adorable when he's earnest. Loki is in top form, being evil and pretending not to be to create complexity. Hulkling and Wiccan have a realistic (superhero-realistic) romance with an existential crisis and everything. I want to know more about Ms. Am...