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This is a novel that is a labor of love for the reader, if they have any compunctions about the pace or the scale of a Victorian novel they should steer clear of this at any cost. However, for the reader willing to invest the energy and the time, 'Can You Forgive Her' is a rewarding experience and i...
This is not my kind of poetry. In "Reactions to the Poems of T.S. Eliot", Charles Powell is quoted as having said that "'the ordinary reader' would 'make nothing of it'" and I think that is the case with me. I give the poems themselves two stars, but bump the book up to three stars because of the ex...
I hadn't read a lot of Dickens before this. A Christmas Carol is a sentimental favorite, but A Tale of Two Cities bored me to tears the couple of times I tried. I remember liking Hard Times when I read it for college, but I can't remember a thing about that book. I can't imagine the details of Great...
Will have to read this one outside the confounds of a 10th grade humanities course I very much did not enjoy...
2/3/2013: One of the more accessible Dickens works. I thought "Bleak House", while a good story, was muddled as I was not familiar with the historical legal issues Dickens was illuminating. This is a straight forward narrative where knowledge of Newgate Prison and the colonization of Australia wi...