Rex, Kitty and Linda the '71 Pontiac GTO go on the lamb and take a little road trip. They meet some interesting characters on the way. I really liked the writing style of this one from Kate Jonez, even though I sometimes struggle with first person narrative. The story flowed well for me and I believ...
Another fine novella from Darkfuse. These novellas have introduced me to quite few fine authors.Ceremony of Flies is a surreal apocalyptic tale that required slow and careful reading. It had a nightmarish magical realism quality that I really enjoyed. Not a light read by any measure but well craf...
This is a pretty good anthology of strange tales about obsession. There are two brilliant stories, a few good ones, and one absolute piece of bullshit. The two best stories are Calligraphy by James Everington and This Many by S.P. Miskowski, the latter being one of the most chilling ghost stories...
Detritus a collection of stories about collections of strange and grotesque things people decide to horde for whatever reason. Hearts from living people, clocks to stay in tune with their pacemakers and severed heads. Overall the shorts gave me a lot of yawns.(Shots and Cuts by Mary Borsellino) Real...
One line from the introduction to this collection, possibly, ruined the entire thing for me. “Destroy the Brothers Grimm.” The editor wanted “new stories that twisted the sterilized and cutely mouse-eared folktales of our time and returned them to darker places…” This implied to me that the edito...