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Kate Mosse - Community Reviews back

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Sorry kids, no feet.
Sorry kids, no feet. rated it 5 years ago
I finally got through this book. And by that I mean I skipped huge chunks of the middle and read the last ten chapters. Honestly, I don't think I missed anything. I think anyone who picked this book up at the last ten chapters wouldn't miss anything. But seriously - Molasses on a cold day moves fa...
PijanaPoMalinach rated it 5 years ago
Główny bohater książki Freddie Watson mierzy się z problemem utraty kogoś bliskiego. Jego brat zginął tragicznie w przeddzień bitwy pod Sommą, a on sam miał wtedy 15 lat i z tego powodu jego świat się zawalił. Przez wiele lat nie mógł się otrząsnąć, a nawet popadł w depresję.16 grudnia 1928 roku Fre...
Bella's Wonderworld
Bella's Wonderworld rated it 8 years ago
Beschreibung 1912: England. Connie Gifford lebt gemeinsam mit ihrem Vater, den sie einfach nur Gifford nennt, zurückgezogen in einer kleinen Ortschaft in Sussex. Mit ihrem Geschäft als Tierpräperatoren können sie sich gerade so durchschlagen. Als Connie eines Tages eine tote Frau in den Sümpfen hi...
Silver's Reviews
Silver's Reviews rated it 9 years ago
Blackthorn House was a place you didn't want to visit.Blackthorn House had the odd Gifford family living there.Blackthorn House had secrets.Connie Gifford and her father lived at Blackthorn House and were well known for their taxidermy, but no one ever came around any more for visits or taxidermy.Wh...
BrokenTune rated it 9 years ago
Not digging this one so far. :( However, our local Waterstone's is hosting an evening with Kate Mosse soon, and, as my friend really likes her books, we're going to be there. Has anyone else any experience with Kate Mosse's books? *EDIT: DNF'd @ 14%. I'm not reviewing this one as it's just no...
Momster Bookworm
Momster Bookworm rated it 10 years ago
I started this read in the audio version. The opening setting is in 19th-Century France, and the descriptions of architecture, in particular, of the Palais Garnier, were exquisite. A few weeks later, I saw photographs which a friend took of the same theater, and the majestic description does the bui...
Momster Bookworm
Momster Bookworm rated it 10 years ago
I have long been fascinated with the history of medieval France, bloody though it was. This book, the first in a trilogy, in particular, as it deals with the legendary holy grail and of the mystery surrounding it. The storyline interweaves a modern-day archaeological dig with flashbacks to the 13th ...
Bettie's Books
Bettie's Books rated it 10 years ago
bookshelves: published-2013, radio-4x, shortstory-shortstories-novellas, spring-2015 Recommended for: BBC Radio Listeners Read from March 14, 2014 to March 26, 2015 http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03xd2khDescription: "The Mistletoe Bride and other Haunting Tales" is a collection of haunting sh...
Momster Bookworm
Momster Bookworm rated it 11 years ago
Not a very complex plot, but details were well-thought out. Wearing a hint of the movie 'Kate and Leopold' but with darker (but not sinister) overtones, it is structured towards the bending of the space-time continuum where past and present converge.
Światy z półki
Światy z półki rated it 11 years ago
Z trudem doszłam do końca. Po skończeniu lektury odniosłam wrażenie, że prawie nic się nie działo. Było strasznie dużo opisów, co niestety nie zawsze wychodzi na dobre (w tym przypadku stanowcze NIE), a dialogi jakoś wydały mi się mętne.
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