Katherine Roberts is a part English, part Welsh fantasy author with a unicorn for a muse! She studied mathematics and computing at the University of Bath, and then worked with racehorses while she wrote her first short stories for SF/Fantasy/Horror magazines.Her debut novel "Song Quest" won the...
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Katherine Roberts is a part English, part Welsh fantasy author with a unicorn for a muse! She studied mathematics and computing at the University of Bath, and then worked with racehorses while she wrote her first short stories for SF/Fantasy/Horror magazines.Her debut novel "Song Quest" won the 2000 Branford Boase Award in the UK, launching her career as a children's author. Her published titles so far include fantasy and historical fantasy for middle grade/teen readers, and an epic historical novel about Alexander the Great's horse for all ages (also available as an ebook serial with bonus material).Katherine's books have been published by HarperCollins, Chicken House/Scholastic US, Carlton, and Templar, and have been translated into 14 languages worldwide. Her backlist is now available in ebook format (or second-hand in paperback), and she is currently working on a parnormal romance for older readers.Katherine's website with full details of her books can be found at www.katherineroberts.co.ukFind her on Facebook www.facebook.com/katherine.roberts.900or follow her on Twitter @AuthorKatherineHer official blog is written by her unicorn at http://reclusivemuse.blogspot.com
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