Kathleen Founds
Birth date: June 01
Kathleen Founds's Books
I received a copy of this via NetGalley, for an honest review.I quite enjoyed this book. The characters felt very real to me and, being a teacher as well, I felt identified with Laura a lot. Her struggles with teaching and class management were much greater than mine but I could see myself in her sh...
I received and ARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. Published by University of Iowa Press, October 1, 2014. The title and cover of this book are deceptively light, even ironic; there are actually very heavy themes running under that twee drawing a...
www.readingbifrost.com“Plenty of teachers have thrown a terrarium out a window and shouted, ‘You’re driving me crazy!’ But you’re the first who actually followed through.”First off I have to say that this book wasn’t at all what I first expected. I expected a witty commentary about how a school teac...
Title: When Mystical Creatures Attack Author: Kathleen Founds Publishers: University of Iowa Press Publication Date: Oct 1st 2014 Page Numbers: 206 pages Blurb In When Mystical Creatures Attack!, Ms. Freedman’s high school English class writes essays in which mystical creatures resolve the greate...