Born in Australia and educated at Sydney and Oxford Universities, Dr Kathleen Riley is a classical scholar and modern theatre historian. She is the author of Nigel Hawthorne on Stage (University of Hertfordshire Press 2004), The Reception and Performance of Euripides' Heakles: Reasoning Madness...
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Born in Australia and educated at Sydney and Oxford Universities, Dr Kathleen Riley is a classical scholar and modern theatre historian. She is the author of Nigel Hawthorne on Stage (University of Hertfordshire Press 2004), The Reception and Performance of Euripides' Heakles: Reasoning Madness (OUP 2008), and The Astaires: Fred & Adele (OUP forthcoming). She is also a contributor to Dionysus Since 69 (OUP 2004) and The Ancient Dancer in the Modern World (OUP 2010). At Oxford in 2008 Kathleen convened the first international conference on the art and legacy of Fred Astaire.
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