Katie Alender was born and raised in Florida with her three siblings. She attended an arts high school, focusing on writing and video production, and continued her education at Florida State University, majoring in Film. She currently lives with her husband (her college sweetheart) and her...
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Katie Alender was born and raised in Florida with her three siblings. She attended an arts high school, focusing on writing and video production, and continued her education at Florida State University, majoring in Film. She currently lives with her husband (her college sweetheart) and her Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Winston, in Los Angeles, CA, where she works as a freelance producer/writer. For several years, she produced televised dog shows, and she can probably tell you more about dogs than you would ever want to know. When she's not working, she can usually be found at her sewing machine, making quilts and other gifts for friends and readers.Katie's first brush with publication came in 1991, when her article "So You Want to Live On Mars?" was published in Sassy Magazine's Reader Produced Issue. She loves dogs, the color red, good food, practicing yoga (emphasis on "practicing"), hanging out with her friends, and (of course) reading. She is a Gemini and would probably be a Ravenclaw if she went to Hogwarts. Her favorite authors include Amy Tan, Paula Danziger, Jane Austen, and Stephen King."Bad Girls Don't Die" is her first book.
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