Originally posted on Joyfully Reviewed: http://www.joyfullyreviewed.com/new-reviews/hitchedThe Harper siblings are all half-faery, which means their gifts are fairly – or rather, faerily – imperfect. Willow, the youngest, tends to turn into wooden objects at the drop of a hat and only the presence ...
This was just OK for me. I mean I liked it, hence the 3-star rating, but it wasn't great and I can't really put my finger on why. Lucy and Charlie have been friends for forever, but he's a hottie and she's bookish. They both harbor feelings beyond friendship, but neither one wants to ruin their frie...
Super hot steamy read!! A really nice trip to Cougar-town!A couple really funny moments! A little light on story.Oh the steam!! So hot and heavy!!! Loads of action to keep a gal warm!