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Katie Davis
Birth date: January 04
Katie Davis's Books
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150 books? In ONE year? Is that possible?
She stepped off the plane and onto African soil. She had really made it. After all this time she had finally come to place God had called her to go. The air was hot and dry. the ride to the mission station was bumpy and dusty but she did not mind she was in the perfect place at the perfect time, exa...
Carpe Librum
Carpe Librum rated it 9 years ago
Katie's story is amazing and inspiring. She has truly dedicated her life to what she believes God has planned for her, even though it has meant giving up relationships, material possessions, and the kind of life she had always expected to live.Taking the initiative to spend a year in Uganda after hi...
debnance rated it 13 years ago
It’s a new day for Little Chicken. He gets up and follows his mama all over until it is finally time to go to sleep. “Wash your face!Brush your teeth!Get dressed!I hear you cluckin’, Big Chicken.”
kishawhite rated it 15 years ago
When in doubt on what to read for a lapsit or preschool program, I chose Who Hoots? It's funny, colorful, and perfect for crowd participation. Older kids will laugh and younger kids will be mesmerized by the colors and illustrations. You can't go wrong with Who Hoots?
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