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This isn't a book that I thought I would like. The synopsis screams "teenage girl stereotypes" on the back cover.But oh wow. The first half of this book is hands-down, the funniest thing in a book I have seen in the YA genre. Not in a bad way - in a good way. I was crying my eyes out with laughter. ...
THE IT GIRL by Katy Birchall is the first book in a new series. They story follows Anna Huntley who finds herself moving from invisible new girl, to hanging with the popular crowd at school when her dad gets engaged to a famous actress.I should admit from the start that THE IT GIRL is not the type o...
Anna is back again! And in this book she tumbles through life again. Throwing discus in people’s faces backwards, really, don’t ask, falling in plant pots and much much more! I was delighted when this book came in yesterday, finally my pre-order was here and finally I could read it! I have been lo...
I read this book in Dutch, but I will write the review in English (as I am planning on reading the second book and I will read that one in English). I set Josie Graham on fire. And that is how, dear readers, this book starts. And from there on our girl Anna (short for Anastasia, but don't call her...