(Ahora también en La Loca de los Libros!)¡PRIMER LIBRO LEÍDO PARA EL DESAFÍO! ¿Qué esperaban? Era el más corto de todos XDNo-recomendado por Brenda.Propósitos de este desafío: Leer de principio a fin libros considerados "malos". Mi intención es encontrar al menos UNA cualidad buena en ellos y reseñ...
Nicole is on her way to an interview for an internship at a successful company, where the CEO is 32, billionaire and hoter than lava. Great premise but somehow I just wasn´t grabbed. I came half way through, but at the third "meh" from me, I gave up. So sorry, but I don´t want to just browse through...
Note to self: Never pick a book by the cover
A Quick read that kept me entertained. Not a blockbuster but it's fairly easy to get drawn into the story.
I'm not exactly sure how I feel about this series yet, first book seemed a little fast paced and a little unreal to me , we shall see what the next one brings
I read a sample page on my nook and it almost exactly like fifty shades of gray and according to some reviews the ending is cut off.