Back in the mists of history, the gods of Olympus fought against the demonic forces of Kaos. And they lost because one of their number, Aphrodite, turned against them.With gods dead and facing utter destruction, Hera launched a last, desperate plan; sealing off Olympus and the tree, the source of th...
3.5 stars!When I first started this novel I wasnt sure it was going to be for me, whilst I do love a good fantasy novel I’m a bit picky! The news on this one is – its GOOD.Aphrodite has betrayed the Gods and in a last ditch attempt to save them Hera expels the remaining Gods to the mortal world . Af...
I give this book 3.5 stars. I liked it for the most part. The beginning was fast paced and brought me right in. The antagonist was deliciously evil, and I found the background on Olympus fascinating. I love mythology, which is what drew me to this book. I wish there was more of it! However when it s...