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Kenneth Eade
Hello, I'm Kenneth Eade and I'm happy to have you as a reader. In addition to being an author, I am a lawyer and environmentalist, best known for my legal and political thrillers. John Grisham is famous for saying, " I always try to tell a good story, one with a compelling plot that will keep... show more

Hello, I'm Kenneth Eade and I'm happy to have you as a reader. In addition to being an author, I am a lawyer and environmentalist, best known for my legal and political thrillers. John Grisham is famous for saying, " I always try to tell a good story, one with a compelling plot that will keep the pages turning. That is my first and primary goal. Sometimes I can tackle an issue-homelessness, tobacco litigation, insurance fraud, the death penalty-and wrap a good story around it." That is exactly what I try to do in my books. Not only do I want to tell you a thrilling story that you will love to read, I also hope you come away with it having learned something important. My first bestseller on Amazon.com was "An Involuntary Spy," a fictional spy thriller about a rogue scientist working for an American biotech firm who goes on the run from authorities after stealing information from his employer which proves government collusion and a cover-up of fraud surrounding the dangers of the company's genetically engineered foods. My second novel, "Predatory Kill," is the first of a legal thriller series in which the series character, lawyer Brent Marks, tackles a wrongful foreclosure lawsuit against a major bank that turns into a murder investigation. My third novel, "A Patriot's Act," is a prequel in the Brent Marks Legal Thriller Series, which matches Marks against the United States government, in an attempt to free a naturalized U.S. citizen from detention at Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp, which will be published conventionally in hardcover and paperback, and will be launched in U.S. bookstores, Wal Marts and Costco Stores this year.I have practiced law since I was 22 years old. In 2011, I started my second career, something I have always wanted to do; by writing opinion pieces for the Los Angeles Daily Journal. Two of the articles centered on the subject of the unconstitutionality of the now defunct Monsanto Protection Act, and the dangers of genetically modified foods and neonicitinoid pesticides and their adverse effect on bees. This led to my first book, the non-fiction work, "Bless the Bees: The Pending Extinction of our Pollinators and What You Can Do to Stop It" in 2013, as well as the children's counterpart, "Bee See: Who are our Pollinators and Why are They in Trouble?"Please email me for free gifts, advance news, discounts and freebies by sending an email to: info@timessquarepublishing.net or register on my website, www.kennetheade.com. I would love to hear from you. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KennethGEadeBestsellingauthorTwitter: KennethEade1
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Alex Hurst Reads
Alex Hurst Reads rated it 11 years ago
I love a good nonfiction book. And having grown up in a household that only bought organic foods, recycled everything, refused to have a lawn, and had one parent deep in the trenches at EPA, I was excited to read Kenneth Eade’s timely book about the impending disaster regarding the massive decline i...
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