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Kenneth Zeigler
Kenneth Zeigler is currently 60 years old and was born in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. He is a high school chemistry teacher, currently teaching at George West High School in George West, Texas. He earned a master's degree in chemistry and his graduate work was in quantum mechanics. He is a research... show more

Kenneth Zeigler is currently 60 years old and was born in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. He is a high school chemistry teacher, currently teaching at George West High School in George West, Texas. He earned a master's degree in chemistry and his graduate work was in quantum mechanics. He is a research scientist who has taught secondary and college-level science and mathematics for 36 years. He and his wife, Mary, have two grown children, Rob and Beth, and two grandchildren, Kindra and Kristen.
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HopefullyEscapingIntoABook rated it 12 years ago
Excellent book!
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