Emberly is a phoenix and has spent several lifetimes living under their curse – to never know love and to have their heart broken each lifetime. She’s also seen no end of bad results come from her attempting to save lives But when Sam, the lover who broke her life this incarnation, is imperiled sh...
Heartbreak might be our destiny, but it would be a whole lot easier to deal with if only fate would clear out our memory banks at each rebirth. At least it would allowed hope to burn bright. But after all this time, there was little enough of that left. After each death, the phoenix is reborn and ri...
3,5 Stars
Heartbreak might be our destiny, but it would be a whole lot easier to deal with if only fate would clear out our memory banks at each rebirth. At least it would allowed hope to burn bright. But after all this time, there was little enough of that left. After each death, the phoenix is reborn and r...
I found this while shelf surfing my local library. I was a bit taken back when it was marked "romance" I'm not a romance fan usually. Well, somebody in the department of gene marking screwed up, there is no romance in this book. There is heartbreak, an old one that keeps stabbing her in the back, je...
3.5 stars Scratches the UF itch, but didn't blow me away
Another gripping series from Keri Arthur! She seems to always find a different spin on Urban Fantasy.What I liked: Like some, I was afraid we might have some repetition from Ms Arthur. I shouldn't have worried, Fireborn has an original take with stellar writing and plotting. I've read just about ...
Fireborn Series: Souls of Fire #1 Author: Keri Arthur Publisher: Penguin Published on: July 1, 2014 Genre: Urban Fantasy Format: 400 pages, eARC Provided by: NetGalley Amazon Book Depo Chapters Indigo GoodReads From New York Times bestselling author Keri Arthur comes a brand new series featuring her...
4.5 starsLoved this book! Could not put it down