In 2000, Kevin Smith, Phil Hester and Ande Parks revived Green Arrow into a 3rd series, where it follows the aftermath of a crossover entitled The Final Night where Hal Jordan's Green Lantern sacrifice himself to a Sun Eater to reignite the sun. He brought back Oliver Queen, the original Green Arrow...
I was a big fan of The Six Million Dollar Man as a kid, and when I got a little older I stumbled onto -- and devoured (repeatedly) -- Martin Caidin's Cyborg. Throw in a strong appreciation for Smith's work? And I'm clearly the target audience for this (so why did it take me 3+ years to read it? Good...
I read this back in 1998 when it was originally published and had pretty much put it out of my head in the meantime. Now that I've reread it I remembered why I forgot it in the first place. This is the Kevin Smith run on daredevil, and it does have some decently written parts... And then there is ...
I like Kevin Smith which is why I was sure I would vastly enjoy his book if it would be written and narrated with the attitude of Kevin Smith, no holds barred. I am happy I did not need to feel the pain of disappointment but was getting what I was asking for: fun, extremely entertaining look at t...
This is a lot of fun. And it's easy to see where this is headed: this is going to be a new Green Hornet, although most of issue number one sets up this story by telling the origin of the original Green Hornet. And that's okay by me. Green Hornet is just plain fun. And not only that, there...
I enjoyed this. However it did drop off at the end on a cliffhanger and I haven't heard anything about another part of this coming out. I hope there is the intention of finishing the story at some point.
I enjoyed this. However it did drop off at the end on a cliffhanger and I haven't heard anything about another part of this coming out. I hope there is the intention of finishing the story at some point.
In the first chapter, Smith writes: "It's advice; don't fight it. Either make something of the advice or simply discard it, but don't try to fight it."Tough Shit is full of little nuggets of wisdom and of personal experiences. Taking the line above into consideration, some of the book I found very i...
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