by Brandon Mull
"Decent ending to the series. I love, adore, need more Bracken!" - my 9 year old daughter. "Overall story and concept were entertaining but the characters were a bit whiny. The ending didn't completely live up to its potential." - my 36 year old husband. I, myself enjoyed this series. We listene...
The final book of the series! And I have to say I am so impressed with how the story wraps up. The final solution is clever and smart--and completely believable (assuming you can handle the dragons, wyverns, demons, etc etc).I also very much like how Mull includes a final chapter on how this really ...
{December 19th, 2014} MINI-REVIEW4 to 4.5 stars, I want MOAR.“Try as we might to postpone them, days of reckoning inevitably arrive.”Well this was certainly quite the ride. Everything really managed to be covered in almost 600 pages and in a smooth way to almost. I'm surprised how much work went int...
As the final book in the Fablehaven series, Kendra and Seth are on their most dangerous journey yet. I really enjoyed the first four books of the Fablehaven series, and I had high hopes for the final book. It was a good book, and I did enjoy it, but I felt very rushed. For example, a few new c...
It doesn't matter that this series is considered a "kids series" was fabulous. A really entertaining read filled with magic, frustrating younger brothers, interesting twists, and fantastical places. I truly enjoyed it.
2 12 stars. The first book in the series and this one were my favorites by far. The final book in the Fablehaven series is satisfying. Action packed. More well written than the others. The romance aspect was dealt with fine, but I was slightly confused as to how exactly, long term, that was going to...
I can not say enough about how much I loved these books!!! This final installment in the Fablehaven universe had me laugh, crying and holding my breath. Brandon Mull is a master, plain and simple. These books will be added to my personal collection and my hope is that some day my little boy will ...
2.5 starsIt is one of those series that has a deceptively simplistic style of writing that is so blatant and obvious about everything. Every little detail is spelt out. Which made for frustrated reading at times. I felt some of the emotional depth was missing in portions, but was pleased by the conc...
At the risk of sounding redundant, I'd just like to say that Brandon Mull is my hero.This book was very intense, and I loved every minute of it. I cried a few times, and I'm not at all ashamed of that. I still can't get over how thought-through everything was. Fablehaven inspires my dreams of being ...
This was the best book in the Fablehaven series! Brandon Mull actually made me love Seth, for I had previously not enjoyed is story so much. Seth grew up in this book but Mull still maintained his personality. Personally, I think Seth had the most character development in thise series. Kendra got ol...