I had very high hopes with this one. The stellar goodreads rating tripped me up I guess. I was so excited to read it, that I even figured out how to use inter-library loans just to get my hands on it. I learned something new and I suppose that is a good thing, but I regret I summoned this book from ...
You know how people talk about the magic of reading? This book is what they are talking about.
Houdini Heart is the harrowing tale of an anonymous narrator, driven by a horrendous ordeal to flee her glamorous life in Malibu for a small town in Vermont where she briefly stayed with her mother as a child. There, she finds shelter in the River House, a once magnificent hotel that has been turn...
Maybe read with Selene of Alexandria......
I couldn't get into this.
Sir Henry At Rawlinson EndEnglish as tuppence, changing yet changeless as canal water, nestling in green nowhere, armoured and effete, bold flag-bearer, lotus fed, Miss Havershambling opsimath and eremite, feudal still, reactionary - Rawlinson End.Viv Stanshall's Rawlinson End had it's origins in a...