Kien Nguyen
Birth date: January 01, 1967
Kien Nguyen's Books
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One star, yikes, I should have known better than to read this book. But I wanted to read something set in Vietnam and written by an actual Vietnamese person about Vietnamese characters--not by and about Americans who fought in the Vietnam War--and this fit the bill. Unfortunately that was the only b...
I definitely liked The Unwanted: A Memoir of Childhood, written by the same author, more than this book. This hbook seems more of a novel, more of a fairy tale, although the author says it is based on stories about their family told by his grandfather. If one likes a novel with more emphasis on plot...
There is no question in my mind concerning how many stars to give this book. Actually 5 is too little. This is my all time favorite book. Many have it on their "to-read" lists. Put it at the top. Make it the next book you read.The suspense at the end made my heart race. I had to stop to get air. I w...
+ Viscerally disturbing and well-told- A bit more interiority would be interesting, though perhaps neither culturally appropriate nor an accurate reflection of the author's experienceA wrenching narrative of an Amerasian boy's life in post-1975