This was a great follow-up to 'Podkin One-Ear'. In that book it was clear that there were many more adventures to come and, even better, Larwood introduces events into the present timeline that up the stakes considerably. There is no guarantee that these adventures will make a fireside tale. The wor...
I had to look back over the past year's books to confirm this, but I think this was the most pleasant surprise of 2018. 'Podkin One-Ear' is the first book in the Longburrow series (known as Five Realms in the U.K.) which brings us to an Earth of the distant future where the dominant species are rabb...
Dieses Buch ist wirklich schräg. Ich meine, wie oft stolpert man schon über ein Kinderbuch über eine Gruppe außergewöhnlicher Kinder in einer Freakshow in einem Steampunk-London? Eben, nicht besonders häufig. Daher ist “Freaks in geheimer Mission” einmal etwas ganz anderes, ein doch ziemlich schräge...