This read like it should be on the big screen. Full of believable drama and action packed. I can't wait for a sequel. #ReadingKeepsMeSane
I really enjoyed this book. It held my attention all the way through. It was action packed and didn't lag. My only complaint is the end and this usually happens when there is a part II. It just ended with a dead halt. I've described this before in my reviews. My heart is beating a mile per minute wa...
Well, Niki finally got what she deserved. What a backstabbing, hating, sleezebucket. Who needs enemies when you have cousins? Niki's mind was truly twisted in the worst way. I'm nervous for Kira now. Just when you think she's going to be alright a zinger comes out of no where at the end. "Still Wife...
Love, Love, Loved it! I will write a better review (more in depth) later...