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Not for me unfortunately. DNF
I would like to thank the author for providing me a complimentary copy of her book in exchange for a review. Doing so does not sway my judgment in any way. It's funny, when I was reading this book I highlighted a sentence from the excerpt before I even saw it, "Puberty, people, is a bitch." How tr...
2.5 stars.The girl's name is Aubrey. 'Tis a good name that is rarely seen in media. I'd like to see it more, please and thank you. Just don't mess up the character.
Shift was hard for me to get into at first, and I didn't really care for the ending, but the middle part was really pretty good - plenty of action and excitement, not a bad plot, passable characters (I liked Scott, although I never really connected with Aubrey). I did keep noticing a few awkward com...
Overall, I was left uninspired by this story. I liked the premise, but things got so bogged down (almost immediately), that I found myself reading it only every few days. And only small bits. So much back story, so much of nothing happening. It really doesn't take a lot of thought power to understan...