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I postponed this for awhile because I wasn't too impressed with the early BJs between Aiden and Luka. Thought this would be one of those that had more sex scenes than plot. It was an okay story for me -- not my favorite from Ms. Fielding. On one hand, I really liked Aiden and his struggle to find hi...
i would love to see more from this couple
$4.99 but I think only 131 pages?
Wait! What!!That was it? Where are the next twenty chapters? I want more Aiden! What an adorable character...Not to forget the book club, the wonderful Ms. Simmons, the Homer reciting Luka - the story is not finished, no way!One star less for letting me there!
3 stars. I think I would of liked this alot more if it was strictly contemporary since it didn't really make sense to have Luca as a vampire. But the writing was good and Aidan was a great character.