A fun read: What if Superman's pod crashed in the UK instead of the US? Apparently his name would be Colin Clark, and being a superhero would be bothersome and embarrassing for his proper British family.
A Monty Python fanboy inexplicably hooks up with the Python troupe, heads to Tunisia to "help" with making the movie "Life of Brian" with no skills or experience, then captures his tedious observations in a personal diary along with a few photos. The author drones on and on about the most mundane d...
An amusing if overly cute history of Monty Python written by a guy who was essentially a celebrity stalker of the group before celebrities realized they should be afraid of such people and therefor was able to become a friend of several members of the group.
See my note about it in my blog:http://gypsylibrarian.blogspot.com/2006/01/booknote-superman-true-brit.html