by Joseph Nassise
Terrible. Just terrible. I honestly can't pick out a redeeming quality to this book.The point of view changes are so absolutely pointless it's frustrating. They offer nothing in the way of plot OR character development. Hell, I think it hurts both. The book would have greatly benefited from being t...
I reviewed the first book in the series, Eyes to See last year and I really enjoyed it. This is the second book in this series and I have to say I enjoyed this book even more. The characters are established and I found myself rooting even more for the main hero, Jeremiah, even more. We also pick up ...
The magical construction of EYES TO SEE was mesmerizing, and though I wasn't swept away that book's eventual resolution, I was eager to pick up KING OF THE DEAD to see where Nassise took me next. KING OF THE DEAD starts a little slow, as Hunts sometimes pedantic nature is used to remind readers of ...
Now a wanted man, Jeremiah Hunt hides out on one of Dmitri’s properties – along with Dmitri and Denise. His options are a tad limited now, what with his (lack of) eyesight, and oh, being on the FBI’s Most Wanted list. So, along with the peace and quiet, reflection and regrouping, Jeremiah has to fig...