by Courtney Vail
Originally Reviewed at:Mother/Gamer/WriterRating: 2 out of 5 ControllersReview Source: Blog TourReviewer: AimeeKayI’m not happy with this book. I expected more, especially seeing its banners everywhere lately and people gushing over the cover, I expected a lot more. I will say I was kind of hesitan...
Read this review on my blog! --> Kings & Queens by Courtney VailThis book is packed with action, when I started to think Majesty had found the guilt ones several other things happened and now decide how is guilt is really difficult for me. At first I thought the massacre was the only thing happening...
*3.5 out of 5 starsI think my first thought would be interesting, and maybe slightly confusing. I will admit that the first few chapters I was like, "What is going on?" but after getting into the book it was great!! I liked the mystery element to it, the twists to the story, and the characters. I ...
Kings & Queens takes place in a time period of 6 weeks, 5 months after Majesty's father dies. Majesty is still raw from the whole ordeal and is trying very hard to go on in life without being irritated by her mother's new friend, Paul and the fact that she's in love with one of her best friends, Der...
This book was kind of confusing. The beginning of the book jumps back and forth with seemingly no purpose, and information that is seemingly unconnected is thrown at the reader. After getting used to that, the story comes alive.I liked Majesty, she was really interesting and has normal reactions to ...
I managed to read the prologue and the first chapter of this book and found I just could not continue reading for the life of me. The writing style (which I really should have tried to preview beforehand, so this is all my fault) is rather babbling and forced and I can't see myself finishing a novel...
I thought this book was AMAZING, the plot had me hooked and would not let me go until the very end and even when I had finished I just could not stop thinking about it. Majesty Alistair is just an average teenage girl with a normal life until she over hears some of her fellow students planning a chu...