1. Noćna straža 2. Dnevna straža 3. Straža sumraka Četvrta knjiga o Inima briše granicu između bajke i stvarnosti potvrđujući legendarnog čarobnjaka Merlina kao istorijsku ličnost. Međutim, Lukjanjenkov Merlin, za razliku od Diznijevog, sve je samo ne dobrćudni bradonja. Napomene s prve strane...
1. Noćna straža 2. Dnevna straža (Ova bi trebalo da se zove Sumračna straža, kako bi se ispoštovala forma. To nije jedini "ustupak" prevodu, pa je zato najbolje čitati ih u originalu. (Kao i sve druge knjige, uostalom.)) Priloženi tekst nije od značaja strani Svetla. - Noćna straža Priloženi t...
Great ending, great series. There are short stories and at least one other novel in this universe, but I'll have to find them in Russian to read.This book has the same three story structure as the others; it works very well. I especially enjoyed the character of Afandi.
Three related stories cover much about the means of Magic in the Watch story world. The character stories are strong; this book shows significant growth for Anton. Can't wait to read the fourth and last of this series, and I still haven't watched the movies made of the first book. Хорошо!
Mogao je da razvuče na još stotinak strana, ne bi mi smetalo!
just finished. i kinda started really reading this yesterday and couldn't put it down.
I am an utter, unapologetic Anton fangirl. I will not deny it. And when I finally managed to find a copy of The Last Watch at Borders, I did not hold back my squeal of joy.Though not as good as the first three, this remains one of my favorite fantasy series. At times the writing seemed lazy, the ...
In some ways, this book feels like an unplanned book, as if the writer didn't think the series would go as far as it does. It continues that debate over good and evil that populates the other books, and we see more about Anton's daughter here. It is also closely tied to the previous watch book, Tw...
The best in the series so far. The book and the whole series takes a good look at what good and bad are. Bonus points for making the chosen one female.
I care so much Anton, and was wondering why someone would try to kill him. Kind of expecting his wife to join in the fight. Also, I just love the way he could put the bureaucratic stuff right into the story. And keep you in the edge of your seat to know who is trying to use Anton and why.