by Sandra Hill
Title: Kiss of SurrenderSeries: Deadly Angels bk 2Author: Sandra HillGenre: ParanormalIt’s not easy being a Vampire AngelNo one knows that better than Trond Sigurdsson. In the centuries since he last went out drinking and wenching with his Viking buds, Trond has been a gladiator, a cowboy, a ditch d...
3.5 stars.
Book: Kiss of Surrender (Deadly Angels #2)Author: Sandra HillPublication Date: 11/27/2012Reviewed by: Tammy Payne- Book Nook Nuts My Rating: 5 Stars REVIEW *May contain spoilers *Book two. Loving the Vangels yes I am. We get brother Tronds punishment if you want to call it that. His mission is join...
Alright... this, the second installment in Ms Hill's Viking Vampire Angels series is a more...cohesive book than the first one, in part because the world is now established.So our H, a somewhat lazy, apathetic sort, is assigned the SEALS. Yeah; he'd love to ring out but Archangel Michael won't let...
I liked this one much better than the first in the series. See my full review at
Kiss of Surrender is the second in the "Deadly Angels" series by Sandra Hill. I definitely liked this one much better than the first one, Kiss of Pride. Ms. Hill has created a unique take on vampires and angels by combining them into one. Oh, and they are also vikings. In the 9th century, seven ...
I was intrigued. I giggled at times, got mad, and yes I was even a bit puzzled. But throughout the book I think the main feeling was intrigue. It all begins in the year 850 AD in the Norselands; a slothful Jarl (a wealthy landowner/chieftain) Trond sleeps away the cold winter day while all around hi...
Is he wearing a wife beater??!