by Holly Black, Ted Naifeh
Rue wrestles with her newfound identity as a half-fairy, while trying to keep her friends safe from the fairy world's depredations. There's a plan to transform the human city into the fairies' playground, and only Rue has the power to see it--and possibly to stop it.I have two problems with this. F...
Like volume one, volume two has a good story (yay for urban fantasy!) and good art, and ends on a great cliffhanger. What can I say that I didn't say in the review for volume one? Oh, the cover is better, and more representative of the interior art.
Rue is half faerie and learning where she belongs in the world -- especially since it has been rocked by the affair her father had, which cost the return of her mother to the faerie world.I am trying to remember what happened in this book. I mean, yeah, her friends and boyfriend are becoming sparse ...
I was kind of hoping for a little more depth and explanation...
If you have never thought about reading a graphic novel, think again. The story is very captivating, although I do recommend that you start with Kin, the first book in the series. I never realized how much detail you can get from a picture as well as the printed word. This is a very adult comic book...