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Kjell Ola Dahl
Birth date: January 01, 1958
Mystery, Thriller
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Community Reviews
drallapaul rated it 7 years ago
This Norwegian noir thriller deals with Frankie Frolich, a police officer, investigating a couple of murders and a disappearance with his colleagues. A host of possible suspects and other characters are introduced with the occasional red herring but this is mainly about solving the crimes. Friendshi...
Escape from the ER
Escape from the ER rated it 8 years ago
Detective Frank Frølich is in a bit of a spot. A few days ago he arrested a woman after finding cocaine in her purse. That night he attended a birthday party for old school chum Karl Anders where he met Karl’s new fiancée, Veronika Undset….yup, the woman he arrested. Well, that was awkward. Unfort...
Bettie's Books
Bettie's Books rated it 11 years ago
translation> Don Bartlettsummer 2013pub 1993 tbr busting 2013ebook> nutty nuut> on the road againnorway> Oslo detectives Frank Frølich and Inspector GunnarstrandaseriesOpening: As he opened his eyes they felt like sandpaper.Wasn't so keen on this. Next!
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