Why does Shut Out get so little love? Admittedly, next to Kody Keplinger's other two books, this one doesn't have that same spark of omg-flipping-awesome. But it has a lot of merit, and just like her other books, I enjoyed this romance a whole, whole lot. To think I was expecting it to be really ave...
After being disappointed by all three of Kody Keplinger’s published books, I think I’m officially done with her books unless I hear 100% praise from everyone. It’s not that her books are bad, they’re just not for me, and her second book was no exception. I read this book via an audiobook, which I ra...
I really enjoyed The Duff, so I was looking forward to Keplinger's re-telling of Lysistrata. While I felt it wasn't as strong as The Duff, I still really enjoyed it. Part of it has to do with how refreshing Keplinger approaches young female sexuality, especially in comparison to a lot of young adult...