I've been a Veronica Mars fan since 2006 or so. The TV channels I had access to in Switzerland didn't air the show so I followed it through three seasons worth of DVD boxed set. I was totally caught up the (to me) very alien but very believable world of Neptune High. I loved watching Kirste...
Fun Veronica Mars mystery that will appeal to fans of the show and the movie. This book picks up three months after the action covered in the film (which I promptly checked out from the library and watched upon realizing the book was making references to it, and I still hadn't seen it). The book, ...
The Thousand-Dollar Tan Line was an enjoyable but not spectacular continuation of Veronica Mars. I really liked that Kristen Bell was the narrator. It made listening to the audio book kind of feel like watching the TV show. This was set after the TV movie which took place 9 years after the TV show e...