Kristie Miller has been writing women back into history: "Ruth Hanna McCormick," (1992) a biography of her grandmother, a congresswoman in the 1920s; "Isabella Greenway" (2004), Arizona congresswoman, and founder of the legendary Arizona Inn; "Volume of Friendship," Isabella's fifty-year...
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Kristie Miller has been writing women back into history: "Ruth Hanna McCormick," (1992) a biography of her grandmother, a congresswoman in the 1920s; "Isabella Greenway" (2004), Arizona congresswoman, and founder of the legendary Arizona Inn; "Volume of Friendship," Isabella's fifty-year correspondence with Eleanor Roosevelt, co-edited with Robert H. McGinnis,(2009). Her biography of the two wives of Woodrow Wilson, Ellen and Edith, will be published in the fall of 2010.
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