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I think this was a very sweet story. It's a story of a barista who invents something called Espressology. It's basically giving you a match based on your favorite coffee drink. And frankly, it works! (in the novel anyways) I think Jane was a believable character. She likes this boy and wants to set ...
This was a cute read about a 17-year old barista who can match customers by their favorite drinks. She was quirky and funny (my favorite kind of character), but adorably clueless when it comes to her own love life. Not to mention the Starbucks-esque drinks made me crave a frappuccino.
★★★½Cute story about love, lattes & matchmaking, à la Emma.
What can I say? It was cute! It was exactly what you expect an under 200 page contemporary book to be. It was quite predictable, but I think it was because it's a book about matchmaking, and really only one plot line can be made there.Still nice though!
Nenn mir dein Lieblingsgetränk und ich finde deinen Traumpartner/// Die Espressologin ist eindeutig ein Frauenroman mit einer relativ witzigen Idee. Die 18 jährige Jane jobt in einem Café und hat ein ganz spezielles Hobby. Sie katalogisiert ihre Kunden nach ihren Kaffeevorlieben und fängt an diese ...