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Krpa: krupna ružna prijateljica - Community Reviews back

by Kody Keplinger, Vida Živković, Marina Leskovar, Lara Hölbling Matković
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FatherCraneMadeMeDoIt rated it 7 years ago
For more reviews, check out my blog: Craft-CycleThis book was okay. Keplinger did some cool things with stereotypes and labels, but for the most part the book was just boring and repetitive. I watched the movie version at some point and honestly can't remember anything about it. I saw this in the li...
Wortmagieblog rated it 8 years ago
Im Mai 2017 erhielt ich über die Motto-Challenge eine Leseaufgabe, die für mich eine echte Herausforderung darstellte: ich sollte Liebesgeschichten lesen. Da ich Chic-Lit nicht mag, war ich erst mal ratlos. Enthielt mein Bücherregal überhaupt Bücher, die ich mir anrechnen durfte? Eine Recherche erga...
Books & Chocolate
Books & Chocolate rated it 8 years ago
The Duff was a quick and entertaining read. I loved the concept of this book from the moment I first read the description. We all know The Duff (Designated Ugly Fat Friend) and some of us have even related to being The Duff at some point in time. I liked that the book got to that point -- that somew...
I live life through books
I live life through books rated it 8 years ago
this book had a lot of similar things in it that reminds me of my life 100% and I am the DUFF all around no matter who my friends are!!!
Bows & Bullets Book Blog
Bows & Bullets Book Blog rated it 9 years ago
This review is also available on my blog, Bows & Bullets ReviewsBianca Piper is smart, snarky, and about as cynical as a 17 year old girl can be. She will be the absolute last person to fall for Wesley Rush’s womanizing charms. He’s a pig who nicknames her Duffy and she hates him. But when home life...
Afterwords rated it 9 years ago
I am so glad I gave this book a shot! It's been on my "maybe" list ever since I heard of it, my hesitation steaming from a rumored jerk of a love interest and the whole enemies with benefits plot-line. But, the movie with Robbie Amell came out and it just looked so entertaining that I had to give th...
ireneramos773 rated it 9 years ago
The DUFF: Designated Ugly Fat Friend took me by surprise. I really enjoyed the book. It was a cute, fun, and sexy read. It's a great story about family, friendship, and loving yourself. Overall the story reminds us that DUFF is just a word and there is more to people than meets the eye.
Romance Reader (and Writer)
Romance Reader (and Writer) rated it 10 years ago
4.5 stars. I've been looking at this book for about a year or so and after reading A Midsummer's Nightmare and loving it, I felt more inclined to buy this, so when I saw it was on offer at Amazon for 99p yesterday I bought it straight away. And I was NOT disappointed! I think it's fair to say ...
honeyw rated it 10 years ago
I read this for a book challenge I am doing "A Book That Became A Movie". I probably wouldn't have read this if it hadn't been for the challenge. It was good. Just a little young for me.
Books With Bite
Books With Bite rated it 10 years ago
So, I have had this book sitting on my shelves for well years….guilty! I bought it as soon as it came out (because I had heard good things about it) but I never got to it. Flash forward a few years and it has been made a movie! I had to dig through my famous tupperwares just to find this book. And I...
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