Format: hardcover
Publish date: 2010
Publisher: Cargo Cult Press
While on a hunt, serial killer Charlie finds an injured dog in the park, brings him home, and names him Kutter. Hilarity ensues and Charlie's life is changed forever. This is the twenty-fifth book in my Kindle Unlimited Experiment. For the 30 day trial, I'm only reading books that are part of the...
Brainycat's 5 "B"s:blood: 3boobs: 1bombs: 0bondage: 3blasphemy: 1Bechdel Test: FAILDeggan's Rule: FAILGay Bechdel Test: FAILA novella that reads very, very quickly. I suppose it has too many chapters to be a short story though. This book was cute, but so totally implausible I couldn't get behind the...