So, I read Deceived recently, and while it didn't really live up to my expectations, the immersion in Greek mythology kept me reading into the second book, Destroyed. It takes up right where the first book ended, and it basically continues the story. Marcus and Nick are still fighting over Sam, but ...
I feelt slightly 'deceived' as I was expecting something much more fantasy-like based on the cover. Instead, the story bottles down to two guys (who apparently share a soul) both fight for the favour of a girl, their soulmate, in order to become the sole possessor of said shared soul. So romantic, n...
Echoes of Winter is a collection of stories from Young Adult authors. The stories range from the loosely Christmas themed technology thriller, Code X to Santa’s daughter trying to go to school incognito with a disgraced student witch, in Merry Chris Witch. There are a few Winter Solstice stories and...
Jacob is Ellie's boss. She thinks he may have committed a crime. She and her brother decide to stake out her boss and follow him. Jacob catches them and surprises her. Ellie loves working for Jacob. He took a chance on her and hired her straight out of college. Lately she has noticed she is s...
Ellie has been David Kelley's assistant and accountant for the past two years, yet barely knows him. After finding him covered in blood one morning, she decides to shadow him, to try to learn who he really is. When she finds him in her house, asking why she is following him, he is surprisingly not u...
I received an e-copy of this book via in exchange for an honest review.My Thoughts:L.A. Starkey’s "Deceived" had to be the hardest book for me to read–the first chapters were too slow. Plus, the male characters were a bit stereotypical. Ken, a possible love interest for the main charac...
Reading the title I was originally thinking, ugh, not another book about the dead. Than I read the synopsis and couldn't wait to read this, because it was the complete opposite of that. Love, soul mates, and the gods, all wrapped up in one novel. Upon the start of the novel, I was ready to dig in...