It was wonderful seeing Kieran again, I really loved him in The Distance Between Us, and it was nice to see Ethan and Rhett doing so well, too. When Rhett and Ethan's daughter Sabrina asks Kieran to show her friend Alex around Seattle's gay scene, he decides why not? Maybe he'll even get laid.But th...
When I finished the first book in this series [b:The Distance Between Us|8331551|The Distance Between Us (Distance Between Us, #1)|L.A. Witt||13181621], I was left feeling slightly disappointed because I wanted to see Kieran get his h...
Kieran and Alex3.5 stars
I remember loving Kieran in book 1, but holy cow is he great in this book. He lives his life the way he wants and doesn't make excuses for it, though there are reasons for his anti-relationship stance. And, while he happily considers himself a slutty manwhore, he does not believe in cheating or ge...
3.75 StarsOk so wow! This book was very a interesting read for me, for about two thirds of the book I alternated between really liking Keiran (one of the MCs), really not liking him, and feeling like there was something he was hiding from me, so I didn't really know who he was. Overall his character...
I loved this book! I mean, there was a scene that took place at a Mariners game. How could I not love it? I would move in to Safeco Field if I could.But what I really loved about it was the romance. My mom always told me I would know when I was in love/had met the right person when I couldn't stand ...
I thought this was a great, angst free story. I enjoyed reading about Kieran who is a self professed slut when he meets and falls for Alex, the shy virgin. They chemistry between them was sweet, hot and romantic at times.
4-4,5 starsThe Closer You Get is a sweet,angst-free story where shy virgin meets man slut.It went from a nice,slow build up to hot and sweaty to heavi(en)ly romantic in the end.Pure escapism...
I loved watching Kieren fall in love, how obvious it was to the reader even as he was (realistically) utterly oblivious to it.