by Jeanne Kalogridis, Marina Visentin
I just can't seem to get into this book and there are reserves on it, I may come back to it another time.
This book starts with a bang; it is very exciting! You are drawn in immediately, but then it goes down-hill, unless you enjoy fictitious murder mysteries. If you know me, you know this genre is not one of my favorites! Far from it. What I did enjoy was reading about Renaissance Florence, peopled wi...
I love reading about Florence during this era. This book didn't disappoint!
I picked up this book thinking to learn something more, and then I googled after having read for a little while and realized the story is total fiction. The people existed but she has re-invented history and put together this fictional story.Young Lisa grows up in Florence where de Medici rule. Her ...
This is a somewhat interesting, though not very deep book. The plot is predictable, but it does make you want to read more about the Medici.