I would probably loved it more, if it was longer! Alas, the downside of a short story. I liked Micah, and I felt for him. So of course I wanted to read more about Micah and the mysterious fortune teller, who seemed to read his mind easily. All in all, it was sweet but doesn't have a strong punch to ...
It was a really cute story. I really liked reading the relationship development between Jonathan and Rafi. They had good chemistry and fun banter.
Thanks to the author for the effort and participating in this event and offering this freebie.
I didn't feel any chemistry between any of the characters, and the Mateo thing kind of came out of nowhere.
I like going into books blind so I had to put this book aside for awhile because I had an inordinate amount of information about the story at the time of its release.I wouldn't call this a "love triangle" per se because Gabriel really has no interest in Javier, the person that he has just begun dati...
3.5*Cute gif and contribution to the LHNB event.Gabriel's been dating Javier, they don't see each other all that often, since work keeps Javier on the road a lot, and honestly Gabriel isn't really feeling it.Javier lives with his cousin Mateo, now Mateo makes Gabriel's tummy do flip flops....Oh and ...
I enjoyed the tug of war dynamic. Three stars
I've conflicting feelings about this sort of love triangle. Someone's bound to get hurt, someone's ended up cheating or treading upon others' heart. Just like what happened between Gabriel, Javier and Mateo. You just knew right from the start whom Gabe would actually end up hooking up with, which of...
Yes, there is cheating. I wasn't put off by it in this story because the two dating characters really never clicked with each other. Javier is really into Gabe, but Gabe isn't feeling it. Gabe should not have even dated Javier in the first place, but he kept thinking he would start to feel somethin...
Wonderful story , I really enjoyed it. Thanks L.L!