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La Naissance De La Philosophie À L'époque De La Tragédie Grecque - Friedrich Nietzsche
La Naissance De La Philosophie À L'époque De La Tragédie Grecque
by: (author)
ISBN: 9782070351961 (2070351963)
Publisher: Gallimard
Pages no: 181
Edition language: French
Community Reviews
Tolle Lege!.
Tolle Lege!. rated it
3.0 The Birth of Tragedy
Nietzsche is really speaking about the death of tragedy not its birth. He really doesn't like humanism in any of its variations. He says that it's our experiences which give us our understanding (a very Husserlian Phenomenological thing to say). The instinct, emotion, passion, the mysticism withi...
Domhnall rated it
5.0 The Birth of Tragedy
S5: .... we know the subjective artist only as the poor artist, and throughout the entire range of art we demand first of all the conquest of the subjective, redemption from the “ego,” and the silencing of the individual will and desire. Indeed, we find it impossible to believe in any truly artist...
Leopard rated it
3.0 Die Geburt der Tragödie , by Friedrich Nietzsche
Friedrich Nietzsche's The Birth of Tragedy In Helen Morales' introduction to Tim Whitmarsh's fine new translation of Leucippe and Clitophon , http://leopard.booklikes.com/post/532655/postwritten by the Alexandrian Greek Achilles Tatius in the 2nd century CE, she mentions that Nietzsche condemned t...
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