La regina Margot
Format: paperback
Publisher: Newton & Compton Editori
Edition language: Italian
Series: The Last Valois (#1)
Für dieses Buch habe ich sehr lange gebraucht aber das lag nicht unbedingt daran, dass es so langweilig ist. Ich hatte auch eine längere Phase in der ich fast gar nichts gelesen habe bzw nur Fanfic aber das ist eine andere Geschichte. Ein bisschen den Spaß am Buch verleidet hat auch die Übersetzung....
Ho iniziato questo libro circa un anno fa... ed ahimè se ci ho messo tanto per terminarlo. L'ho interrotto e ripreso innumerevoli volte. Purtroppo non sono riuscita ad instaurare un rapporto d'amore immediato con questo testo come per tutti gli altri testi di Dumas, che a mio avviso è uno dei più gr...
Mordi!...Ne savez-vous point que vous êtes mon soleil pendant le jour et mon étoile pendant la nuit?- Trippe del papa! Hurla Coconnas en tirant son épée; mais échauffez-vous donc, monsieur de la Mole!- Non pas, s'il vous plaît, non pas; car tandis que nous nous échaufferons, le souper lui refroidira...
I give up on this at sixty-something percent. The rating might have been different, had I read it some 15 years ago. But then again, I tried reading 'The Count of Monte Christo' and 'Vocomte de Bragelonne' back then and couldn't get through. So maybe Dumas is just not my cup of tea.If I compare lite...
I started reading this as soon as I finished La reine Margot that faithful summer. I was still very much under the Henris influence and the second tome this cursed family is a high game of political chess where Henri d'Anjou, now King Henri III with his 'mignons' face his brother François and his ga...